Cheek Definition

Cheek Definition

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Cheek Definition

Various filling materials may be used in order to fill and enhance cheeks, keep them from sagging with age and treating a tired or loose look. Of course it is possible to perform this treatment with the purpose of achieving an accented, aesthetic look of defined cheek bones.

This action requires expertise and skill and can be performed in cases of receding bones or for general look improvement.
Dr. Acky Friedman encourages a natural look and therefore tones your face while paying utmost attention to the final result and making sure it doesn’t look artificial.

The treatment focuses on proper toning of cheek bones, resulting in a heightened, fuller look, slight stretching of the cheek skin and a younger tone look.
The filling action doesn’t take long and is performed with local anesthesia. Prior to treatment, Dr. Friedman will diagnose your skin and adjust the proper filling materials for you. All the material our clinic uses are of the highest quality.

The toning and enhancement of cheek bones (age-induced sagging) – This can be significantly improved with use of filling materials.

This action requires expertise and skill and can be performed in cases of receding bones or for general look improvement.

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