Facial Toning
Facial Toning
Facial Toning
Facial toning is getting more and more fans nowadays. You can benefit greatly from the ease and comfort with which it is now possible to make a dream come true and locally restructure your facial features. When performed well, this can yield beautiful results that last longer.
When facial toning, feature enhancement or flaw repairs are concerned, Dr. Friedman encourages a natural look and does anything possible to avoid an artificial look.
Facial toning is performed using filling materials, and as in any other medical field, there is top priority to the quality of products used and the treating Dermatologist’s skill. Dr. Friedman specializes in facial feature amendment, natural facial feature reconstruction and progressive, non intrusive methods.
Facial toning is appropriate for enhancing the facial shape, cheek bones, eye and lip areas, brow lifts, forehead smoothing, double chin or receding chin, temple filling, reducing indentation under eyes or cheeks, and even a developing treatment for toning the back of the hand. This is an art that requires great skill.
Each patient must have a personal adjustment of filling materials and predetermine a treatment plan that enhances and improves the facial look without an artificial or grotesque effect.
Wire treatment
Wire treatment is one of the hottest topics on the aesthetics market. The procedure, which is performed with local anesthesia, includes the insertion of wires into sunken areas of the face, in order to lift them – a sort of local facelift.
These wires have the ability to lift and tone the treated tissue, and they melt and disappear two years later with no negative side effects whatsoever. The treatment is simple, short and usually with no complications, and it is appropriate for several treatment areas:
Before and after pictures


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