The peeling actionPeelingPeels the upper skin layer in a controlled manner that encourages skin cell renewal. The action achieves a considerable improvement in the skin: it gets a soft and smooth texture, wrinkles lose depth, skin tone becomes lighter and more uniform, spots may disappear even after the first treatment, acne scars may disappear, the skin tightens and there may be more benefits still.
Using progressive laser treatment allows the treating doctor to control the depth of the peeling and determine whether it will be superficial, medium or deep. The decision depends on a certified Dermatologist, who can properly diagnose the skin and determines what is appropriate.
- Peeling can be performed in the area of the face, neck, chest and back of the palms.
- Laser peeling has many benefits, mostly in their level of focus and accuracy.
- The treatment is recommended as early as the age of 35, in order to significantly slow the ageing process and preserve the skin in its vital condition for many years to come. In this age, the treatment may be easier and more superficial.
What is peeling and how does it work?
Peeling is a process during which the top layer of the skin is removed (the depth of tissue removed is a result of the peeling intensity) in order to achieve several goals:
Spot removal, wrinkle smoothing, the removal of skin lesions caused due to ageing, improvement of acne scars, renewal, rejuvenation and freshening of skin.
Treatment areas
Peeling can be performed in the areas of the face, neck, chest and forearms.
Treatment procedure
Chemical treatment: using materials that remove the upper skin layer.
Laser treatment: using varying intensities in order to create a monitored burn and by that removing the desired layer of skin.
Side effects
The severity and area of effect is determined by the treated skin, location of the treatment , intensity of the material/laser and the nature of treated flaws.
Redness, Edema, and rarely, scarring, may appear following treatment.
The results must be observed several weeks after treatment (again, depending on the depth of treatment performed).
Treatment costs
Costs are determined according to the location of the treatment and the depth of the performed peeling.
For additional questions, please leave your details and a clinic representative will contact you shortly.
Before and after pictures
Before and after pictures
Before and after pictures of the treatment

