Skin Warts and Condylomas

Skin Warts and Condylomas

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Skin Warts and Condylomas

The removal of condyloma lesions in Dr. Acky Friedman’s clinic is performed by searing the lesions with a laser device. This type of treatment is the most efficient of those existing nowadays, and its results are immediate.

Please note that the laser treatment is performed under local anesthesia, is complication free and involves no more than a minimal sensation of discomfort during the treatment itself.

The treatment takes only several minutes, while in some cases more than one treatment is required..

מהי קונדילומה?

Condyloma is, in fact, a skin lesion, which appears irregularly on male and female genitalia, or alternately, around the anus, lower stomach and crotch.

Infection occurs during direct skin contact with infected skin, usually during sexual intercourse.

The cause for these condylomas is the Human Papillomavirus. The lesions may appear on the skin between several days and several months from the actual infection day.

Symptoms and diagnosis:

The main symptom is the irregular appearance of roughly textured lesions on the skin in the area of the genitalia or anus, lower stomach and crotch.

Sometimes the appearance of condyloma warts is accompanied by a stinging sensation, yet they do not cause any itching or pain.

The diagnosis of this phenomenon is made during a physical exam conducted by an experienced dermatologist, and it usually doesn’t require a complex examination that requires taking a biopsy.

“Destructive treatment” for condylomas and skin warts

The removal of condyloma lesions in Dr. Friedman’s clinic is performed by searing the lesions with a laser device. This type of treatment is the most efficient one available of the treatments offered nowadays and its results are immediate.

Please note that the laser treatment is performed under local anesthesia, is complication free and involves no more than a minimal sensation of discomfort during the treatment itself.

The treatment takes only several minutes, while in some cases more than one treatment is required.

The laser beam used in treatment locally destructs the lesion, and it may provide a solution for stubborn warts, other treatments, multiple warts that are difficult to treat locally and warts located in hidden and “sensitive” areas. The treatments suits both men and women. It is short, involves tolerable, local pain and a short, merely noticeable healing process.

What is Human Papillomavirus?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to a group of more than 200 different types of viruses, while less than half of them spread during sexual intercourse.

As opposed to other STDs, the virus is not spread through the semen fluid or exposure to an infected person’s blood, but by direct contact with an infected person’s skin, even if there are no external symptoms, such as the condyloma wart.

In most cases, the body overcomes the virus on its own. In the rare cases that the body can’t overcome the virus on its own, a cancerous tumor may develop in the genitals area and the colon.

Infection of HPV

Every year, millions of people around the world get infected with HPV.

To be precise, actually, four fifths of the world’s population will catch HPV by the time they’re 50.

Infection takes place by contact with infected skin, and the infection can take place even if there are no external signs for the presence of the virus.

Only one tenth of those infected with Papillomavirus will also develop condyloma warts.

How to avoid HPV infection?

It is possible to contract HPV by conducting sexual intercourse with a person carrying the virus.

Please note that most people don’t even know they have been infected with HPV, since there is no clinical evidence of infection.

The only way to completely avoid infection with HPV is to avoid sex with carriers of the virus, or coming in direct contact with infected skin areas. Using a condom also doesn’t guarantee that the virus won’t pass with direct contact.

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וירוס הפפילומה
יבלות באברי המין – מורה נבוכים
עגבת (סיפיליס) – סלב דרמטולוגי

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