Excessive sweating- FAQ- Dr. Acky Friedman
Q: What is excessive sweating?
A: Excessive sweating happens for unknown causes and takes form in massive, disproportioned perspiration, that doesn’t relate to special occasions. Those who suffer from excessive sweating may sweat for no visible reason and not following physical activity, and may do so in cold weather, as well.
Q: Is there a hereditary connection to excessive sweating?
A: Yes, but it does not necessarily transfer onward to each child, and at the same intensity.
Q: Is sweat odor connected to excessive sweating?
A: Sweat odor is a result of the food we eat and our skin characteristics. While some people sweat massively but their sweat odor is mild and unnoticeable, some sweat mildly but their sweat odor is strong. There is an impact of the food we eat on the odor of sweat, like in the cases of foods like garlic, hot sauces and turmeric for example.
Q: What are the possible treatments for excessive sweating?
A: There are opertaional options and there is a local treatment of injecting Botulinum toxin (more commonly known as Botox).
Q: How does Botox work?
A: The material is locally injected, this chemically separating between the nerve and sweat glands.This operation reduces nerve transmissions to that sweat gland, following and decrease and normalization of sweating.
Q: Which areas can be treated for excessive sweating, using Botox?
A: The Armpits and the palms of hands and feet are the common areas for treatment.
Q: How long does the treatment take?
A: The treatment is simple, effective, comfortable and easy. It takes about about 10 minutes after local anesthesia.
Q: How long does the Botox treatment impact last for?
A: Around 6 months. Most of those who suffer from excessive sweating suffer from the condition all year round. However, for those who suffer more in the summer, it is recommended to have the treatment in spring to significantly improve quality of life in the summer.
Q: What are the risks of a Botox treatment?
A: The risks are minimal and are expressed mainly in the option of a small blood hemorrhage in the area of injection, which passes after a few days.
Q: From what age may we preform the Botox treatments?
A: From adolescence and up to 120.